When people decide they want to start hosting their own website, they see most services on Internet asks for a set amount of money per month (or week) to do so. Some people don’t want to pay money at first, instead they opt for free services. One of these free services is offered by Byet.Host, which is one of multi-plan web hosting websites that offers both free and paid services for website hosting.
Byet.Host Free Plan
For starters, Byet.Host offers a free plan, which offers relatively limited features as expected, but these features should be adequate for small scale websites. These include:
- 1GB of disk space (and 50GB monthly transfer)
- Control Panel
- MySQL Database Support
- FTP Account and File Manager (including 10MB maximum file size)
- No Ads
- Forums to get help from
These features can be good enough for whose want to start website hosting, and is perfectly suitable for small, personal websites. There are seven domain names to choose from, but the most used of them is like <yoursitename>.byethost<number>.com.
Once You’re Signed Up
Sign up process is easy. You choose your subdomain name and type of the website, get it verified in your email and voila, you get an username and FTP password. Once you receive them, you will be greeted with a panel to upload your files to the domain. Unlike most other websites with free plans like Wix, in Byet.Host you will upload each file individually. This can give you an ultimate freedom when it comes to the style of your website, you can even apply multiple styles through it.

Upgrading From Free Plan
After a while, you might want to upgrade your website with higher capacity. In order to do that, you have to choose a paid plan. In Byet.Host, there are two of them: Super Premium and Ultimate. Of course Ultimate costs more than Super Premium, but it will be good to know the similarities and differences between these two packages:
- Both plans offer unlimited disk space
- Super Premium offers a bandwidth of 250GB per month, while Ultimate doesn’t limit you
- Unlimited add-on and sub domains for Ultimate
- Unlimited e-mail adresses and MySQL databases for Ultimate
- Both plans have no ads and free technical support
Both can be bought in monthly and annual versions, both cost the same per year so you get no discounts for choosing annual payment. The payment is accepted in credit card and PayPal.